"Young Women need a place where they can gather together, separate from worldly influences, feel the Spirit of the Lord, grow in unity and love, and strengthen their faith and testimonies of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ." Young Women Camp Guide
"Youth need places where they can gather away from worldly influences, build lasting gospel-centered relationships, and strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. - Young Women & Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp Guides
"Youth need places where they can gather away from worldly influences, build lasting gospel-centered relationships, and strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. - Young Women & Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp Guides
How To Prepare for Camp
See that your youth attends and participates in your ward fundraiser to help offset the cost of camp.​
Make efforts to allow your youth attend at least one of your ward camp preparation nights. ​
Check the camp checklist early and make sure that your youth has everything that she needs.​
Check the weather for camp as it gets closer, so you can help your youth plan appropriately for the temperatures.​
Speak with your youth about the rules at camp particularly the dress code and the rules surrounding use of phones and/or electronic devices​. We ask YW to not bring their cell phones to camp, we realize this will be challenging for some of them, but our hope is that it will help them to be present and connect with other young women.
Make sure your youth registers before April 14th
Helpful Information
The cost for camp this year is $150
Camp will be a three-day experience this year, including two overnights. Each ward is responsible for coordinating their own transportation to Refreshing Mountain. YW Camp will be from June 19th-21st
Camp will be held on Wednesday - Friday at:
Refreshing Mountain
455 Camp Road
Stevens, PA 17578
Check in is at 12 pm on Wednesday
Check out is after dinner on Friday (7 pm)
If your youth requires medication, please send it in a ziplock bag and label it with their name​
​Please label all belongings, especially your backpack.​
Camp leaders will have a phone, should you need to get a hold of your child. Phone numbers will be made available through your ward presidency and camp leaders.​
All communications will be through GroupMe app so please download the app to stay connected.
Registration opens on March 1st
​Registration closes on April 14th
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Note: This location requires registration to be confirmed by this date so we are not able to accept any registrations after April 14th.